isi testimonial

mas mau tanya u no transaksi 25 ap sudah dikirim krn kemaren saya tanya kata nya pesanan saya sudah selesai di buat, tolong info nya ya, tq

yuliani / yani | 18-05-2011

pak erwyn, pesanan dah sampe neh ... bagus semua ... nti saya pesen lagi ya pak ... makasih banyak loh bantuannya :D

pixy | 22-02-2011

Terima kasih ya pak Erwyn untuk pelayanannya yg cepat, ramah, dan memuaskan.....Mutiaranya jg sangat cantik....Kalau liat2 di fb seperti refreshing dan pengen beli semua dech...

mei phing | 20-02-2011

memang Mutiara Lombok gak ada Duanya di Dunia Persilatan manapun.....buat teman teman yg suka Mutiara jangan segan Hubungi Master Mutiara Lombok..," KOH ERWYN HOK CAI ".. OTREEE

edhit | 16-02-2011

i found this online shop on facebook in the middle of 2010 while the account had only few friends in its list. i opened the album n saw some beautiful pictures of south sea pearls. the owner also gave a brief explanation about the pearls--the classification, jewel with pearls and also the price! yes, the thing got me surprised was the reasonable price!!! it's cheaper than i ever thought. i gathered south sea pearl is an expensive thing and we have to spend some "extra" money to get it. well, the one at the best grade must be very expensive but we could choose another cheaper at lower grade ;) i remember my first order was silver brooch with pearl. don't ask me about the beauty...coz woooohhhh they made it detailed. next orders were bangle and ring which of course, beautiful. and the last order that i keep on waiting for the finishing is a platinum ring with a silver south sea pearl. cant wait for it!!! i trust the owner as i trust my brother heheheee...he's perfectly nice and faithful,,,soooo dun ever be in doubt to make an order here as u can have both the beauty of the pearls and the enjoyment of making online order. the last words...swearrr i cant wait to see my recent order and will be ready making next next order here ;D

ami | 15-02-2011

Pak..dah nyampe nech perhiasan mutiaranya,bagus bngt sesuai gambar bahkan lebih cantik,semoga tambah maju..& tks atas keringanan yg bpk berikam sehingga aq bs memilikinya,good luck..

Lara | 30-01-2011

Mas erwyn set perhiasannya dah nyampe,cantik bngt..tks yach udah sabar ngadepin kebawelanku g sll mau tuker barang yg ini n itu,n 1 lg salut dech cepet bngt nyampe denpasar,tks yach..mutiara lombok mang THE BEST

Eva Vickers | 30-01-2011

mas Er... barangya dah nyampe Lampung, baguuus bangeeeets... cantik, emasnya juga gold banget... toop toop deh.. trims ya

ririn | 25-01-2011

dalam teknologi sekarang ini kualitas mutiara lombok sudah OK, namun setellah saya menjadi resseller,, hehe,, ada sedikit kekurangannya yaitu dalam pengeleman,,, sehingga ada beberapa mutiaranya yang rontok,,, saya bingung harus di lem pake apa? saya coba pake butir nasi gak mau nempel juga,,, akhirnya nasinya jadi nempel di mulut saya,,,hahaha,,, kedepan harus lebih di perhatikan lagi maas,,, antingnya kalo bisa lebih banyak anting yang di kait aja biar bisa pake buat yang tua n muda,,, sukses teruus dan berkembang tambah maju,,, dengan design yang lebih attraktif dan tidak membosankan,,, tq,, maf hanya sekedar saran aja mas,,, hehehe,,,

nining Wluyati, ks.Ir. | 24-09-2010